December 16th was probably one of the coldest days of the year, and it also happened to be the launch of Issue #4 of CreatedHere magazine! We had a great turnout at Buckland Merrifield Gallery, especially considering the cold. It was wonderful to meet some new people, and see some familiar faces. We had hot chocolate to warm up those who blustered through the door, cheese and crackers and of course some yummy Christmas treats.
The preceding week was a crazy one, with finishing up articles, layouts and proof-reading. Of course, as luck would have it, my husband was also away that week so I was on mama duty 'round the clock. It's a relief to be finished, and so much fun to see the issue in people's hands instead of on my screen!
Many thanks to all who came out, and a HUGE thanks to Peter and Shannon at Buckland Merrifield for hosting! It was so much fun to see people in person and not just through social media. I foresee many such events in the future...
Here are some photos from Friday:
Sophie checking out Issue #4