7 Things Every Craftsperson Needs to Know About Craft NB
Are You a Serious Maker?
The oldest provincial crafts council in Canada, Craft NB is primarily a membership organization which strives to promote New Brunswick fine craft throughout Canada and beyond. With a small friendly team of passionate people, Craft NB packs a powerful punch, offering training, exhibition opportunities, and even healthcare plans to its members. At its core, Craft NB aims to foster a strong sense of community in the New Brunswick fine craft scene, and helps artists find connections and support on a career path that could seem lonely with long stretches of solo time spent in a studio.
Ready to hear more? We had a chat with the delightful Ali Murphy, Executive Director of Craft NB, to get the lowdown on our hometown craft council!
1.) You don’t have to be formally trained to join.
Craft NB is for anyone who wants to make fine craft their career, whether you’ve had training or are self-taught. You can read about the standards as to what qualifies as “fine craft” on their website right HERE. (Spoilers! Mediums such as digital art and photography make the cut!) You don’t need to know all of the artsy lingo, or be able to tell your art deco from your art nouveau, if you are serious about refining your own craft practice, Craft NB is here to help.
P.S. This includes both full time and part time makers! You do not need to be making 100% of your income off of craft to become a member. Craft NB is thrilled to work with anyone who's dedicated to their practice no matter how many hours a week that is!
2.) Craft NB is invested in growth.
From organizing craft shows and gallery exhibits, offering wholesale funding, training, and support, and providing education to get NB crafters into the world market, Craft NB is committed to helping your practice develop and expand. And they themselves are always growing too, updating their standards every couple of years as fine craft evolves. Here are just a couple of the growth experiences they offer:
Craft East Program
Designed for craftspeople interested in wholesaling their work, Craft NB hosts a training and webinar program to help artists navigate the wholesale market process at the annual Craft East Buyers Expo in Halifax.
Beneath the Surface:
This artist residency opportunity in Fundy National Park allows a small group of craftspeople to immerse themselves in nature for 5 days to reconnect with their creative selves and push the boundaries of their art practice.
3.) Membership is based on a (gentle) jury process.
Wait, don’t run away! We know that the thought of your work being judged by a jury can feel intimidating, but Craft NB does everything they can to make the process as kind as possible. Even if you don’t get accepted on your first try, you will receive valuable feedback to help you improve, and artists are encouraged to keep applying as many times as it takes. This is a community you will want to be part of, so don’t let the jury scare you away! Ali is happy to talk you through the whole application process ahead of time, so if any of Craft NB’s programs seem interesting to you, give it a shot!
4.) You can only become a member twice a year.
Applications open up around early September and February and last for about a week. It’s super important to keep these dates in mind if you are planning to apply for events like the Christmas craft show so you don’t miss your chance to exhibit. Follow Craft NB on social media (links below!) or sign up for their newsletter so you don’t forget about a deadline!
5.) They offer support for non-juried craftspeople too.
If you aren’t quite ready to go through the jury process yet, there are student memberships available as well. While they don’t provide complete access to all programs, you can still find support in the community. Craft NB also sets aside a spot or two in their Fundy residence program for top craft students at NBCCD. Additionally, they offer wholesale programs for those who may not fit the jury process, but are ready to grow the scale of their craft business. Send Ali Murphy an email if you are interested in taking advantage of any non-juried opportunities. (We’ve added her contact info below!)
Craft NB has also teamed up with ArtsLinkNB to offer online courses for non-members HERE.
6.) They put on some seriously amazing craft shows!
Even if you aren’t going to be exhibiting there, you still want to check out the shows Craft NB puts on every year. In particular, you don’t want to miss the Saint John show in early December. It is a fabulous opportunity to chat with current members and take some notes on their gorgeous booths and displays. You can even arrange a walkthrough with someone from the Craft NB team if you are curious about inner workings of craft show life. Mark it on your calendar and contact Ali Murphy for more info.
7.) They are super friendly!
We promise. Ali Murphy was a delight to speak to, and emphasized again and again that she is happy to help with any questions you may have. Craft NB is eager to see more people come through the jury process and to meet new artists, so if craft as a career is something you are interested in, please reach out to them. The community is waiting for you.
After a long year away, Craft NB is back in Saint John again this year for their Christmas Festival. Shop high-quality craft from Maritime craftspeople just in time for Christmas at the Marco Polo Cruise Ship Terminal, December 3-5! Visit the Facebook event HERE for full details.
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There is more than one arts organization in town! Now that you are caught up with Craft NB, read up on what artsNB has to offer! Program Officer, SJ Parker shares how artsNB can help your artist grant dreams come true!